The American Commissioners: Instructions to John Thornton
AD (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library
[December 11, 1777]
Instructions to Mr. Thornton

You will receive herewith a Letter to Lord North and another to Sir Grey Cooper Secretary of the Treasury to which you are to endeavour to obtain Answer.

As the Purport is to obtain Permission to visit and examine into the Situation of our People in their Goals, and administer to their Relief, we hope a Request so consonant to Humanity will not be refus’d. But if you cannot obtain such Permission yet, (if not absolutely forbidden) we desire you would endeavour to see the Prisoners, take an Acct. of their Names, the Rank or Quality they serv’d in, the States they belong’d to, in what Vessel, and by whom they were taken and such other particulars as may tend to give us perfect Information of their Circumstances.

But before you leave London to visit the Prisons, wait on Mr. Hartley (for whom also you have a Letter which you will deliver as soon as you arrive) and desire his Advice or Orders; and if he should be so kind as to give you any relating to the Premises you are to follow the same punctually in your future Proceedings.

You will receive herewith Fifty Guineas for Travelling Expences of which you will render an Acct. We wish you a good Journey, being Sir, Your most humble Servants.

Notation: Letter to Sir Grey Cooper Dec 11. 77. Instructions to Mr. Thornton.
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