From Jonathan Williams, Jr.
Nantes April 18. 1780.
Dear & honoured Sir.
I have by order of M. de Chaumont embraced every opportunity
I could to send Cloathing to Brest to be thence exported
by M. Bersolle to America, and what I have hitherto sent
amount to as follows… Vizt.
These Cloathing are much more unsorted than I wished but
as I was pressed in point of Time I thought best to send as much
as I possibly could although the Quantities were not in proportion.
If it had been possible I should have prefered sending an
equal quantity of each kind.—
Mr Bersolle tells me the Fleet is all ready to Sail but as the
Wind is contrary I hope these Goods will arrive in time. What
method of Conveyance is determined on for the Remainder? I
am ever with the greatest Respect most dutifully & Affectionately