I find my Brother Ben refered to a future letter to mention the precise time of the Ship belonging to my Brother calling at Dover. By late letters the repairs of that Vessel are not yet finished; and it will be 3 weeks after, before she can sail from Hambourg, as she will take in a Loading not yet agreed for. So that in all likelyhood it will not suit you tho’ in itself it is an excellent Vessel for Passengers. On Tuesday or Wednesday next Vessel leaves this, but is complete in Cargo and full of Passengers; and excepting this Vessel, I know of no other bound to America from this Port. It would give me, as you well know very great pleasure and happiness, to accompany you on your voyage, but my Father’s expec[ta]tions so circumstance me, that unless some opportunity offers before the 1st Wednesday in next month, I shall be obliged to go in the Packet to New York from Falmouth. With my affectionate Compliments to Mr. W Franklin I remain, Dear Sir, Your devoted humble servant,