Im now on a Viset to your good Sister Who I find Very Comfortable, and as much health as Can expeckt for a Person So far advanst. We have had a real feast on you you may rejoice you was not between us as we might Posibly each took a Peice.
My Stay is only three days in town as we expeckt Snow every day I only Came to Providence for a Viset of a week and the fine Sun Shine invited me hear. I go from hear to day the Parting is Painful but you used to Say if we did not go we Could not Come again. Have not Seen freinds Tuthil and Partridge the Bachelor was out and Mrs. Partridge the Committy on business Sukey much as in days Past. My Neice Mrs. Gooch Very happy indead Hust got into there New house built Since the fire and geting Nesasaries So Cleverly. My Spoues and family well when I left home. He is exceedingly Mortified at the depravity of the State and a sufferer as an individual but we Cant help it and we we will enjoy live as long as health Permits. Have I told you we have married now our youngest Daughter Celia. She lives in the town below us has a good Husband our Eldest Still lives with us though they wish to go out of the State but we Cant Part with them. Ray is at farming and is Very Steady indead the youngest Saml at at Colledge at Prevedence he is with me in town and will you Say your a true mother when I tell you he is a Clever lad. I hear a Pleasing account of all your Decendants I wish to hear it from your own lips but you dont intimate a hope of Comeing. My best Regards to Mr. and Mrs. Bache love to the Children and Heavens Best of Blessing attend my much lovd friend Prays your affectionate and obligd freind