From Joseph Lunier (unpublished)
havre de grace the 7th day of January 1781

At the time of my arrival to this place from forton gaol I had the honour of writting to your excellency. As I have not been as yet honoured with an answer, I avail myself of the opportunity of two americans, Companions of my Confinement going to paris, to address myself a Second time to your excellency and beg that you would be so kind as to honour me with an answer to my first letter to which I refer myself and to the information you will get from the two men bearers of the present.

I have the honour to be of your excellency, the most Devoted and most obedient humble Servant.

J. Lunier

Addressed: To his Excellency Benjamin / Franklin ambassador plenipoten / tiary from the United States of / America to the Court of France / at his house of Passy near / Paris / Passy
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