From Matthew Carey (unpublished)
Philadelphia, August 9, 1786.

The proprietors of the Columbian Magazine have been strongly recommended by several Gentlemen, to introduce in the first number of that work (if not displeasing to you) an account of your life, with a likeness of you. I have been repeatedly informed, that Some of your memoirs, written at an early period, have been lately found and restored to you. If this be the case—and our design meets your approbation, I take the liberty to request to be favoured with a sight of those memoires, for a week or fortnight, to help me in forming the narrative, which I wish to make as perfect as possible.

I have the Honor to be, Sir, your obt. humble serv.

[signed:] Mathew Casey

Notation: turn, if you please p.s. As I am unable to call for an answer, I request one may be Sent per bearer, or otherwise.
Notation: His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, President of the State of Pennslyvania Columbian Mag
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