I am very sorry to inform you that my negociations about the ship are unsuccessfull. The Difference the calling at Havre would make in the Insurance, the Delay, the Loss of Freight, (as shippers would prefer a ship going direct to one that was to touch) would amount to more than £500 would pay. I think the same Objections will always be made by the owners of merchant ships. I therefore cannot think any ship to call for you can be depended on.
I am afraid also that my joining you is not to be depended on, for my Business here will either require my stay three Weeks or my return, in one or the other Case, I should fail you, so I believe our next meeting will be in America. I will write you however from London, and if there is any possibility of my presence here being dispensed with, without such an Injury to my affairs as I could not justify, I will certainly meet you. I am as ever most dutifully and affectionately Yours.