Pennsylvania, ss. In the Name, and by the Authority, of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Pennsylvania, ss. In the Name, and by the Authority, of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
To Christian Gettig[,] Joseph Jacob Wallis and Samuel Weiser Esquires of the County of Northumberland—Reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, prudence, integrity, and abilities, Know, that we have assigned you and each of you Justices of the county court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Northumberland giving and granting unto you the said Christian Gettig Joseph Jacob Wallis and Samuel Weiser full power and authority to execute and perform all the several acts and things which any justice of the said Court, by the constitution and laws of this commonwealth lawfully can, may, or ought to do, both in and out of the said Court, to have and hold the said power and authority for seven years, from the date thereof you behaving yourselves well. Given under the hand of His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esquire, President, and the seal of the State, at Philadelphia, this second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven— Attest. Chas. Biddle. secy. Entered in the office for recording of Deeds in and for the County of Northd. in book D. page 71. &c. Witness my hand & Seal of Office Aforesaid. The 27th. Day of December Ano. di. 1787.
J. Simpson Rr.