Congress we are well assured has lately received an Official Declaration from the Court of London, “That they will not relinquish the Posts and Garrisons on our Frontiers.” This additional violation of the Solemn and Sacred Treaty of Peace on the part of Great Britain, we take the Liberty to observe, is generally viewed and considered as a Declaration of War, as it manifests a Disposition for Hostility and reprisal. But as the situation of our Public Finances does not admit the raising a Regular Army, Congress, we understand, have it in Contemplation to call, on the several States, for a Portion of Militia, to disposses the British Troops of those Fortresses. Under this Idea, several Volunteers, from New Jersey and New York have already tendered their services to Congress and, as Members of the Light Infantry Company belonging to the 2d Battalion of Pennsylvania Militia, who wish not to be excelled or out done in Point of Zeal and Activity in Promoting the Interest and Welfare of our Country at large, we take this early opportunity to entreat that your Honorable Body will be pleased to consider us as the First on the List of Volunteers from Pennsylvania, whenever Congress shall think proper to adopt as necessary a Measure. With every sentiment of Respect, we remain Honored Sirs, your most obedient, and very Humble Servants,