From William Lee (unpublished)
List of Artillery, Arms & Ammunitions wanted at this time by the Sate of Virginia. March 31st 1779.
16Iron Cannon of36 lbs. Ball
20do [ditto] do.24 Ball
8Brass ditto of24 do.
for each of the Cannon[:]
50Rounds of Grape Shott
50.Do chain and double headed do
Carriages, Bammors, Ladles, & all the necessary
apparatus for the above Cannon.
6Brass5 IntchHowitzers ½do.
100.Shells for each Howitzer with fuses, Match stuff,
Carriages and every thing compleat.
20,000.Stand of fusils and Bayonets compleat.
30Ton best Cannon powder. do. fusil do.

Sadles, Carbines, boots, spurs, &c for 100 Light Horse. These things the Governor & Council of the State of Virginia have authorized me to engage the State to pay for, as soon as it is practicable to send their Commodities to Europe for that purpose, & particularly desire that application shoud be made in the first instance to the Minister of his most Christian Majesty to supply them.

W. Lee

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