The American Commissioners to [the Comte de Vergennes]
ALS: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères
Passy, December 4. 77.

We have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency that we have just receiv’d an Express from Boston, in 30 Days, with Advice of the total Reduction of the Force under General Burgoyne, himself and his whole Army having surrendered themselves Prisoners. General Gates was about to send Reinforcements to Gen. Washington, who was near Philadelphia with his Army. Gen. Howe was in Possession of that City, but having no Communication with his Fleet, it was hoped he would soon be reduced to submit to the same Terms with Burgoyne, whose Capitulation we enclose; and shall send your Excellency farther Particulars of the State of Affairs in America, as soon as we can collect them from the Papers. We have the Honour to be with great Respect Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servants

B Franklin
Silas Deane
Arthur Lee
The Congress was sitting at Yorktown in Pennsylvania.
Acct. of Prisoners &c.
British Troops at Capitulation2442
Foreign Troops2198
Canadians, Volunteers &c.1100
Staff Officers12
Total at time of Capitulation5752
Prisoners taken before at Sundry times400
Sick and wounded518
Lost at Bennington1220
Kill'd since 17th of September600
Kill'd & taken at Ticonderoga by Brown413
Total of Burgoyne's Army9203
2brass24 pounders
1218 po
3Howitzers 5 Inch
2Mortars 8 Inch
12taken at other times
37together with 4 members of Parliament

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