Burln. Augt. 22. 1767
Since my last I am favor’d with [yours] of May
20, per Mr. Odell, May 23d. per Packet, and [June?] 6, per Gilbert.
The second came to hand but [torn] Yesterday above a Week
after the [last?].
From the little [remainder of page
The Assembly of New Jersey have made
Prov[ision] for supplying the King’s Troops with all the
Neces[saries] required by the Act of Parliament. I hope that
b[efore] the Bill for restraining the Legislature of New-York can
be passed into a Law, the Ministry [will] hear what the N. York
Assembly have done, and there[fore prevent] its passing.
[Torn] Friends are very happy
[remainder of page missing.]
Remainder of W.F’s Letter to BF. dated
[In Elizabeth Franklin’s hand:]
Burln. Augst. 22, 1767
I was highly entertain’d with the Perusal of
those few Pages of your Journal which you were so obliging as to
send me. You may rely that the Contents will be kept an inviolable
Secret. I shew’d them to Mr: G: as you gave me Leave. He is
astonish’d how you are able to go through so much Business, and yet
write so much, and says that if the People here did but know one
Half of what you are continually Saying, and doing for them, they
would go near to deify your.
We are sorry to find that it is doubtfull
whether we shall get Permission to make Paper Currency this Year.
There are such Complaints throughout the Middle Provinces for the
Want of it, that notwithstanding their Aversion to the Settlement
of permanent Salaries on the Officers of Government, the Assemblies
would, in my Opinion, readily assent to a Part of the Interest of
the Money being appropriated to those Services; especially if the
Legislatures here might have the Appropriation of the Remainder for
such other Publick Services as they should judge expedient. The
Principal Members of Assemblies are ready enough to acknowledge
that the Salaries are not sufficient, considering the encreas’d
Expence of Living, but then each is afraid to venture to propose an
Addition, lest he should thereby give his Enemies an Opportunity of
hurting his Interest with his Constituents, and occasion his being
Left out at the next Election. In this Province the Attorney
General’s and Secretary’s Fees are the only Officers Fees which are
thought any ways equal to the Services, and those in several
Instances fall greatly short. I have never made above £300 Currency
per Annum by all the Fees of Office since my Arrival, except the
first Year. What should make them less now than they were then, I
am at a loss to conceive, unless the Scarcity of Money induce more
People to be ask’d in Churches and Meetings than formerly, in order
to save the Expence of a Marriage Licence. Tis certainly the
Interest of the Governed as well as the Governors that the latter
should have a handsome Support, as they may otherwise be often
tempted, thro Necessity, to committ Actions they themselves
disapprove. To obviate the Objection that Assemblies would become
useless when the Governors were made independent of them, the
Governor might be directed by the Crown to call a Meeting of the
Legislature, whenever the Speaker, and a Majority or one third of
the Members of both Houses should request it. At present the
Governors, by their Instructions, are not to summon, prorogue,
adjourn or dissolve the Assemblies but by the Advice of the
Council; so that he is not left at Liberty to act arbitratily in
Matters of so great Consequence to the publick Welfare. And, if he
does greatly misbehave, there is no doubt but he will, as he ought,
be immediately removed on Complaint being made to the Crown. It
was, however, right in you, as an Agent, to intimate to the
Ministry, that the Colonies would not emit any Paper Money on those
Terms, as it might induce them to wave their Intentions in that
Respect. But I am well assured that rather than not have Money to
emit on Loan, they would consent to almost any Conditions with
regard to the Appropriation of the Interest.
I cannot entirely agree with you as to the
Expediency of joining the Assemblies with the Governors in Granting
the Crown Lands and collecting the Quit Rents. For my Part I am no
ways interested in the Affair, the Lands of this Province being all
private Property, with which the Governor has no Concern. But in my
Opinion, the Assemblies should be suffer’d to have as little to do
as possible with Business that in its Nature properly belongs to
the Executive Part of Government. They already Claim and exercise
more Powers of that kind, than a British H: of C: would presume to
do, and if they are invested with so considerable an Addition to
their Power as that above mention’d, there is no knowing where they
will stop. Nor do I see that it will remedy the Evil; for tho’ some
Governors may take Advantage of the Powers they have of granting
Lands, and make Jobbs of the Grants, yet all the Difference will
be, when the Assemblies are join’d with them, that there will be
more People to be gratified with Jobbs. Every Member will want for
himself and his Friends, and unless the Governor will gratify them
they will prevent any Lands being granted at all. This will
naturally bring on a Coalition between them, and they will then
play into each others Hands in such Manner as may be most conducive
to their private Interest. The Governor at present grants the
King’s Lands with the Advice of the Council, and every Person who
can find a vacant Piece of Land may on Application to them get a
grant for it. The Council being mostly Gentlemen of large
independent Fortunes in the Province are much better Checks on a
Governor than is generally imagined, as it seldom happens but that
some of them are at Variance with him, and would therefore
immediately inform the Ministry of such of his Transactions as they
conceived detrimental to the Crown or the Publick. Besides as the
French are now driven from N: America, there is not that Necessity
as formerly for settling regularly in Townships, and especially as
a Boundary is already fix’d between the English and Indians in the
Southern Colonies, and the same shortly to be done between those of
the Northern. As to Collecting to Quit Rents the Governors I
understand has nothing to do with it, a Receiver General being
appointed for that Purpose in all the King’s Provinces. These
Receivers might easily be made to do their Duty, and perhaps, it
might not be amiss to put them under the Direction of the new
Commissioners for the American Revenue.
I wish Governor Pownal had ventured to move the
House of Commons, to pass such a Resolve as you drew up for him,
and had got his Motion seconded so that it might have appear’d on
the Minutes, as I think it must have opened their eyes with Regard
to the Impropriety of taxing the Colonies in America without giving
them Representatives. But I much doubt whether the People here
could be brought to consent to send Members to the House of Commons
if allow’d. It is a new Subject which the Generality have but
slightly consider’d, and a Measure which great Pains have been
taken to prejudice them against. The Presbyterians, particularly,
are totally against it, but seem now willing enough to have an
American Parliament composed of Representatives from the several
Colonies, as they think from their Numbers in each they shall be
able to send a Majority of their own Denomination, and by that
Means perfect the Union they have long wish’d for, to answer their
particular Purposes.