From Robert Aitken (unpublished)
Philada. 14 May 1789

I now send you one Copy of the first Vol. of The Philos. Transactions to look at. This day I have finished the whole impression. Two small copper plates are Missing, and not inserted in the copy sent. I am getting them engraved, and expect to be able to deliver the copies to the subscribers on Monday next, or Tuesday at farthest when I expect to publish, I am somewhat of Opinion the plates are not right placed, I design to apply for Direction. I shall deliver the first Vol. to the Gentlemen who have subscribed, on Monday or Tuesday, and such of the Society who chuse this New Edition, will then be furnished. I will call for the Vol. (I now send) to morrow that the other two plates may be inserted. I hope the work now done is satisfactory. I have the Honor to be Sir, Your Most humble Servant.

Robt. Aitken

Honble. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Esqr.
Addressed: The Honorable / Dr. Benjamin Franklin / present / wt. Vol. 1st. Amer. Phil. Trans
Docketed: Rob. Aitkin 14 May 1789 read in Society 15 May 1789 accompanying Copy of 2d. Edition of 1st Vol. of The Transactions.
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