The uncertainty of your being in Paris, has delay’d my having the Honor of Addressing you a few Days Sooner, and giving you the pleasing information of Mr. and Mrs. Bache enjoying good health with their Charming family. I left Philada. 14th. May. My departure was Sudden, and the Arrival of Mr. Bache’s two Neices from New York prevented Mrs. Baches writing. Our passage was Short. We Landed at Calais 9th. Inst. I do not recolect any News worth communicating. Save the Arrival of Capt. Green from the Este-Indies his passage has been remarkable favorable and very Succesful. I am here on Acct. of my Son and in all probability, Shall remain some Time. He is in the College, Learning Latin. &c &c. under the direction of the Principal, my Son’s constitution, disposition, and Setuation considered induce me to Act thus. He offers his respectful Compliments to you and Joines me, in requesting to be remember’d to your Grand-Sons. We flatter our selves with the pleasure of seeing you and the young Gentlemen in August next as there will be a Vacancy at College. I have the Honor to be with much respect Dear Sir Your Most Obedient Humble Servant