From George Washington
als: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress
Camp at Middlebrook March 27th. 1779.
Dear Sir,

This letter will be delivered to you by Mr. Mason, son to George Mason Esqr. of Virginia, a Gentn. of fortune and influence in that state—a zealous & able supporter of the liberties of this Country—and a particular friend of mine.

The young Gentlemans bad health induces him to try some other clime, probably the air of Montpelier, while inclination may lead him to Paris, in which case, I take the liberty of recommending him to your friendly countenance & civilities; give me leave at the sametime to assure you, that with the greatest esteem & regard I have the honr. to be Dr Sir Yr. Most Obedt. Hble Servt

Go: Washington

The Honble. Benjn Franklin Esqr.
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