I have just receiv’d your kind letter of the 2d instant. I wish you would also acknowledge, when you write the Recipt of those that have come to your hands since you wrote last. By that means I should have the satisfaction of knowing that they have not miscarried. You mention nothing of a letter from me dated Feb.22, which went by the Post. As you had inform’d me the Books did not sell, and I feared the long and severe winter might have straitened you towards the end, I desired you to draw on me for Forty Dollars. No such Bill having appeared, I apprehend you may not have receive’d the letter. I send enclos’d the Copy of it taken in the Press, and desire you still to draw if you have Occasion. I wrote about the same time to our friend, Mrs. Greene a long letter, I wish she may have receiv’d it. I never see your Newspapers, so know not what is menat by Laco whom you mention. My love to your Daughter & to my grand Niece. What Age is she? I am ever Your affectionate Brother