From G. Vincent fils
ALS: American Philosophical Society
St Malo 1º april 1778.

You have inclosed a letter from one Called John Johnstone who Said to be an American, and now has the misfortune to make party of the Crew of an English Cutter which has been Stopped in this harbour this twelve weeks. If this man is a true Americain like he sais he most not Suffer any detention, So I begg Sir you will be pleased to inform me if you do know him, and to direct the Answer to this inclosed letter to Sir Your most humble servant

G. Vincent Fils
Sworn interpreter and broker
of the Admiralty of St. Malo
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / ambassadeur Plenipotentiare des etats / unis de l’Amerique / a chailot / [In another hand:] pres paris / a chailot a terre De M. chaumont
Notation: Vincent fils
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