I send you inclosed some Letters that have passed between the Secretary of Congress and me respecting three Million of Livres acknowledged to have been received before the Treaty of Feb. 1778, as Don gratuit from the King, of which only two Millions are found in your Accounts; unless the Million from the Farmers General be one of the three. I have assured, that all the Money received from the King, whether as Loan or Gift, went through your Hands; and as I always looked on the Million we had of the Farmers General to be distinct from what we had of the Crown, I wonder how I came to sign the Contract, acknowledging three Millions of Gift, when in reality there was only two, exclusive of that from the Farmers. And as both you and I examined the Project of the Contract before I signed it, I am surprized that neither of us took Notice of the Error. It is possible that the Million furnish’d ostensibly by the Farmers, was in Fact a Gift of the Crown in which Case, as Mr. Thomson observes, they owe us for the two ship Loads of Tobacco they received on Acct. of it. I must earnestly request of you to get this Matter explained that it may stand clear before I die, lest some Enemy should afterwards accuse me of having received a Million not accounted for.