To Gérard de Rayneval
LS: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress
Passy Augt. 10. 1779.

The foregoing are the Articles requested by the States of Maryland & Virginia. If to these could be added Cloth, Linnen, Stockings, Shoes, & Hats for clothing 20.000 Men, and also ten thousand more Fusils, the whole addressed to the Congress, I am certain it would be a very seasonable & necessary Supply, as private Merchants have been lately discouraged from adventuring to send Cargoes of such Goods, by the numerous Losses of their Effects in going & returning, and I am not able to fulfil the Orders of Congress for want of Money. I have the honour to be, sir; Your most obedt. & most humble Sert.

B Franklin

M. Gerard de Raynevalle.
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