I wrote to you a few Days since by Mr. Williams; but I omitted some Newspapers which I had intended to send by him: I now inclose them. They contain sundry Articles relating to the Barbarities exercis’d by the British in America; and as you had borrow’d of me a Paper containing an Account of those committed by Lord Cornwallis, and thought there might be some Use in showing it in England, I send you these for the same Purpose. Perhaps it would not be amiss to publish them, that considering such Provocations, some Value may be set upon our Moderation, in not demanding Reparation for the wanton Devastations made of our fine Towns and Plantations, and that thence it may appear that there is more Reciprocity in our Treaty than our Enemies have been pleas’d to find in it. I thank you much for the Castor Oil, but wish to learn from you the Use and Virtues of it, and the Quantity and manner of taking the Doses. Please to present my Respects to your good Father, and acquaint him that a Letter which your Brother mentions to me, never came to hand. I am ever, my dear Friend, Yours most affectionately