My Colleague, Mr. Deane, being recall’d by Congress, and no Reasons given that have yet appear’d here, it is apprehended to be the Effect of some Misrepresentations from an Enemy or two at Paris and at Nantes. I have no doubt that he will be able clearly to justify himself; but having lived intimately with him now fifteen Months, the greatest Part of the Time in the same House, and been a constant Witness of his Public Conduct, I cannot omit giving this Testimony, tho’ unask’d, in his Behalf, that I esteem him a faithful, active and able Minister, who to my Knowlege has done in various ways great and important Services to his Country, whose Interests I wish may always, by every one in her Employ, be as much and as effectually promoted. With my dutiful Respects to the Congress, I have the Honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant