To Valentine Eckert (unpublished)
In Council, Philadelphia, October 13th, 1787.

It is the order of Council that seventy privates with a Captain two Lieut. Serjeants Corporals a drummer and fifer be immediately taken from the militia of Berks County and moved with all possible expedition tofort Allen, you are to accompany them thither and remain with them ’till you have the further directions of Council, take particular care that they are well armed and accoutred, and properly officered—if you can procure old soldiers to go as volunteers on this expedition we would prefer it to your taking the militia by Classes; you will see that they are furnished with provisions to last them to Fort Allen, and for ten days after they reach that post. If you have no powder or lead you must purchase as much as to supply each man with fifty rounds; be careful on your march to the place of rendezvous that your are not surprized.

We send you an order for one hundred and fifty pounds, should you have occasion for a further sum you must inform and you will be supplied with what is necessary. We expect you will use hour utmost diligence in marching the men and go to as little expence as the nature of the service will admit. I am Sir, you obedient, and very humble servant,

Benjamin Franklin, President.

Valentine Eckhart Esqr., Lieutenant, of the County of Berks.
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