From Richard Price
l: American Philosophical Society
Decr. 22 1780
Dear Sir

I have received with particular pleasure your letter by Dr H and I cannot help returning by him a few lines to thank you for remembering me and to express the satisfaction with which I have heard, that you are recover'd from a fit of the gout which you think has been of service to you— May your life be preserved to do good to the world, & to see the end of the present struggle. I cannot describe to you the feelings with which I view the progress of it. God grant that the issue may prove favourable to public liberty & the general rights of mankind— You cannot imagine how much I have been lately abused & threatened. My enemies by their charges against me make me of much more consequence than I am.— I feel easy.— There is nothing in the conduct of my life that I reflect upon with more satisfaction than the part I have taken in the dispute with A a and the endeavours I have used to warn & serve my country, & to communicate right sentiments of Government and civil & religious liberty— On the subject of Toleration I have writ a good deal; but the friend who told you that I had published on this subject was mistaken— When you see Mr. Tt deliver my best respects to him & my thanks for a kind letter with which he has lately obliged & honoured me— Dr. P lives at Birm and has lately been invited to preach in the afternoon to a congregation there.— His health is better, but he was last week alarmed by some Symptoms of a return of his bilious disorder. He has just finished another volume upon air— With the greatest respect & affection I am, my dear Friend, ever yours— Dr. Fothergill is relapsed into the disorder (a suppression of urine) which brought him to the brink of the grave last winter, & lies now dangerously ill.— I shall take care, that the letter to Mr. Js be safely deliver'd. He is now in the country. The war spreads— What will become of us?—

Endorsed: From Dr Price
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