To the King’s most excellent Majesty, in Council The Petition of the Representatives of the Freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met. Most humbly sheweth
That the Government of this Province by Proprietaries, has by long Experience been found inconvenient, attended with many Difficulties, and Obstructions to your Majesty’s Service, arising from the Intervention of Proprietary private Interests in publick Affairs, and Disputes concerning those Interests.
That the said Proprietary Government is weak, unable to support its own Authority, and maintain the common internal Peace, of the Province, great Riots having lately arisen therein, armed Mobs marching from Place to Place, and committing violent Outrages, and Insults on the Government with Impunity, to the great Terror of your Majesty’s Subjects. And these Evils [are] not likely to receive any Rem[edy] here, the continual Disputes be[tween] the Proprietaries and People, and the mutual Jealousies and Dislikes [pre]venting.
We do therefore most humbly pray, that Your Majesty would be graciously pleased to resume the Government of this Province, making such Compensation to the Proprietaries for the same as to your Majesty’s Wisdom and Goodness shall appear just and equitable, and permitting your dutiful Subjects therein to enjoy under your Majesty’s more immediate Care and Protection, the Privileges that have been granted to them, by and under your Royal Predecessors.