I have recd. your Favour of the 11 Inst. inclosing two Drafts or rather obligations— £96 of Nathaniel Braby & 72. of Fredk. Buscalier. the first I have recd. & carried to the Cr of the Doctor, the other I do not know & cannot hear of such a Man, if I can find him I will endeavour to get the Money.—You have not throughly read all my Letter, if you had you could have seen on the blank leaf an order on Mr. Grand for the ten Louis you advanced Cape. McNeill.—The only remark I can make on the french Commerce would be to advise them to leave all their Exports to America not only free, but unincumbered with the Custom House formalitys which are ten times worse than all the Duties. The English will set them an Example, & as both Countries as well as others in Europe keep a shop of the same Articles then who sell cheapest & are most civil & obliging to their Customers will have the most Business.—
I thank you my dear Friend for your kind Attention to my Father & Mr. W.— I am as ever Yours most affectionately