This will be delivered to you by Mr Deane & by him you will hear all that is to be heard about American Affairs.—I inclose a few more Bills which please to return when accepted.—
I wish to know Mr A—s Business in Holland if it may be known. Pray get my Accts back again, I left them with him for his Perusal, I suppose Mr Dana will be able to give them to you, it is essential to me that these [accts?] remain with the Doctor.—
I have drawn on the Doctor for l.t. 1520.14— at 10 days date from the 11th, this is the amount of what I have not sent to Mrs Bache as by the inclosed Invoice, let this be paid out of the Doctors private money so as it may not be blended with public Concerns.
I am my dear Billy with real Affection Yours