David Hartley to the American Commissioners (unpublished)
Paris Aug 12 1783

I have the honour of transmitting to you a Copy of a Letter which I have received from Mr. Fox, containing an Account of the Queen having been happily delivered of a Princess, and that her Majesty and the young Princess are as well as can be expected.

Since the reconciliation which has happily taken place between our two Countries, I am happy in the opportunity of communicating to you such an occasion of our joint congratulations, as the first token of that satisfaction which your Country (and you as the Ministers of it in the present case) will receive from this and from every event, which may contribute to the happiness and honour of the King, the Queen and all the Royal Family of Great Britain. I am gentlemen with the greatest respect and consideration Your most obedient Servant

D Hartley

To their Excellencies the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America &c &c &c
A In Mr. Hartley’s N: 21.
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