Certification on Parole, Certification of Peter Colombe by Board of War, and Ordinance of the U.S.A. (unpublished)

By the board of war and Ordnance of the United States of America

These are to certify that Peter Colombe Esquire, a Major etc. ... of light dragoons in service of these States, having been taken prisoner by the troops of his britannick Majesty and released on parole, on condition that he should not serve “under the American standard” during the present war; and the said Mr. Colombe being desirous to return to the Kingdom of France, he hath permission to depart from the United States and to continue in any part of Europe during the present war unless sooner exchanged and notified to return to his regiment.

By order of the board

P. Scull Secrty.

Je certifie la Piece cy dessus veritable à Passy le 29, Decbre. 1780.

B. Franklin
Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis
de l’Amerique à la Cour de France\
To whom it may concern.
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