Your Excellency I hope will pardon the Libberty I taken in troubiling yough a Second time and I Would wish to Assure your Excellency that nothing in Life would have Indusd mee to trouble yough a gain But the Genrous and brave Character Your Excellency Bears in Releiving the Distrest may God incline Your hart to Enlarge my libberty which I am well Assured is in Your Excellencys pour to Dwo that I may again get over to America thear is nough two or three Ships at Nantes Bound for Boston Whear my Brother Resids whom is in a Vearey Good Way thear and has often wright for mee Since My detention in France I inclosed Yough A letter I resceiv’d From Gentleman in Ireland my last which I hope will bee the means of my getting Clear of my Imprisonment the Sooner. I have nothing more to insert but that the Aomightey God may Grant Your Excellency long life helth and prosperitey and Everey Real Enjoyment in this world and happiness in the Nextt. Your Excellencys Complying with the Above and an answer to this will Ever Bee Remembered in the Prayers of your Excellencys Most Obedient Humble Servant to Deth,