To Ann Hudson de Lauan (unpublished)
Passy, Augt. 10. 1783

I received your Letter dated the first Instant, which I should have answered directly, but had mislaid the enclos’d Letter from your Mother which you desired might be sent you. The Bills mentioned by Mr. Beall, came duly to my hands and I have received the Money, Seventy-two Dollars. I imagined you were long since gone to America, am sorry to hear of your Disappointments, and now acquaint you that you may draw on me for three hundred and Sixty Livres Tournois the Amount of the above, which shall be paid on Sight; and this Sum, with Mr. Beall’s Letter which I also send you enclos’d, will I hope procure you a Passage to your own Country, where I wish you may arrive safe and have a happy Sight of your Friends. I am, Your humble Servant

B Franklin

Mrs. Ann Hudson de Lavan [Lavau?]
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