I did myself this pleasure a few days ago, via Boston, a Frigate being soon to depart thence, with the Marquis la Fayette & General Duportaile—I have put on board this Vessel, bound to Nantes, a Box of seeds you wrote for some time ago, its contents is conformable to the inclosed list; I have two other Boxes which I shall ship by different conveyances, as they may offer—Mr. Bartram charges five Guineas a Box, which I shall place to my Father’s account, so that you may settle the account with him—The Box is directed to Doctor Franklin at Passy, to the care of the American Agent, at the port of arrival—I hope the Contents may prove agreeable to your honourable Friend—Mr. Bartram assures me they are properly assorted—There is a smaller Box on board, which Mr. Bartram sends as a present to my Father, it has the same direction with the other, but you will see an F scratched on the top it—there is also for my Father, a very small Box containing three different kinds of pippin Grafts properly put up; I wish them better luck than the apples & Nuts had last year—I have endeavoured to procure ground Squirrel Skins for you, but the boys in the Country are grown lazy, or have better employment, a high price it seems will not tempt them to exert themselves—
I have no doubt that ’ere this, you have received an account of Cornwallis’ fate, do not you think this stroke will lead to peace? or shall we have another Campaign?—Let me have your opinion on this point as early as possible, it may be of real service & benefit to me—We had a letter from your father the other day, he was then well—I since hear he is about taking his departure for England, but this I only give you as a report—Mrs. Bache & the Children join in love & affection with Your ever affectionate Friend & Kinsman