Jonathan Williams, Jr. to the Gentlemen at Nantes (unpublished)
Nantes March 20 1779.

Having this Day receiv’d an order from the honourable Doctor Franklin, to Submit my accounts with the Honble. the Commissionners of the United States to your Inspection & decision, I request to know at what time and Place you think proper to enter on the Business.—

My Accounts are ready for immediate examination, and I am also ready to sign such an Engagement as Doctor Franklin requires—

I have the honour to be with respect Gentlemen, Your most obedient & most humble Servant

Jon Williams J

Daniel Blacke, J. Johnson[,] W. Blacke, P.R. Fendall, J Ross, J Lloyd[,] —Oglivie & J D. Schweighauser Esqrs. Nantes
Notation [partially in Jonathan Williams’ hand?]: Copy of a Letter from J. Williams Jr to W. Blake D Blake, J. Johnson P.R. Fendal, J Ross, J Lloyd —Oglivie & J D Schweighauser dated Nantes March 20 1779.   N2.
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