I have recd your two favors of the 25th and 30th ultimo, it rejoices me much to hear you are getting the better of your late complaints, the World cannot afford to part with you yet. You must not sing the Nunc Dimittis, untill you have compleated that great and glorious work which is to teach future Kings and Ministers that the Liberties and propertys of Mankind are not to be trifled with for their sport and amusements.
By this Conveyance you will receive another Box of pepper Mint Drops each parcell cost 8s. the whole of course 16s.
I have been at the Secretarys Office relative to the Exchange of Americans here for those you furnish me a List of that are carried into L’Orient. I was told that your request shou’d be complyed with and that as soon as a Vessell cou’d be got ready the Americans here shou’d be sent to L’Orient. I believe that there are about 120 prisoners here at present most of the persons you enquire after went in the last Cartells to America. Capt. Houston has left Forton without Leave. Mr Wren had recommended him to me before I recd your Letter and I advanced him £10 10. on his Bill Bill [sic] on Messrs Cummins and Macartny of LOrient (at my own risque) and I now inclose you the said Bill together with a Letter which I have written to the above Gentlemen, wherein I request the favor of them to give me some Information in a matter in which I am interested, if you will be so obliging as to second my request to them I shall esteem it a favor.
If the above Bill in LOrient is honored you will please to apply the whole or what part you please to Mr Wright for the picture, which when proper opportunity offerrs, I am expecting, I thank you for your hint about publick Affairs. I cannot see that the French Minister will be warranted in continuing the War for Interests foreign to the Original Dispute with you and your affairs once agreed upon I woud hope other lesser matters will be adjusted not but to be sure it will be a work of some Time. I shall depend upon your Kindness for future necessary Information of the progress of things.
I have nothing new to inform you of. You woud no doubt be surprised at reading Carlton and Digbys Letters? because you woud see that they therein mention certain propositions and Terms relative to the Exchange of Prisoners that have not the? least Foundation in point of Fact. Where the Blunder lies is difficult to say, but the Minister was much hurt at it. I am with the greatest respect and Esteem your most obliged and humble Servant