You will little expect to hear from me in this quarter. I dare say—and indeed I had not an idea of being here so soon when I left Paris—A favorable opportunity from Havre de Grace, by Barney, we could not reject, but were landed at Poole a few days ago. We left the Ship with a very fine wind, which, if it continued several days, must have made him a great part of his passage.
I have a request to make you, & hope you will excuse one.. A friend of mine here recd. from his Correspondent in Boston, three Bills of Exchange drawn on the Commissioner at Paris by Hillegas & countersigned Wm: [?]. The numbers were No: 326: 1247: 1249, & were, one for 300, & 2 for 120 dollars. They were drawn I believe in favor of Mr: Sherburne Boston, or endorsed by him. These Bills were sent to Paris, the 3d. of July last, by Sir Robert Herries to a friend of his, a Banker & one said to be intimately acquainted with your Grandfather—These Bills however have not yet been accepted, nor is it known if they have been presented—which delay has been of hurt to the bearer of them—
By the Banker’s being so intimate with you, I take it for granted it must be Mr: Grand—I have therefore to desire you would be kind enough to get some intelligence of these Bills, & let me know if they have been presented for acceptance &c: I shall be obliged by an answer by the return of Post—My address is No. 7 Basinghall Street.
Since writing the above the Gentleman has informed me the Banker’s name is Grand, that they were drawn in favor of & endorsed by, Mr: Sherburne & that they have been presented for acceptance; but, as Mr: Grand writes, were lain by awhile owing to a great number of them having been lately recd.—As this Case is particular you will confer an obligation by accepting the above three bills first, (if not improper so to do) & forward me the acceptance by next Post, or desire Mr: Grand to inform Sir Robert Herries of it.—
You will excuse this trouble, & be assured I will always be ready to execute any of your commands in return—
Mr: Thaxter joins me in respects to your Grandfather & Mr: & Mrs: Jay, with other friends— I am, Sir, Yr: huml: Servt: