To Robert R. Livingston (unpublished)
Passy, Oct. 14. 1782.
I have but just received Information of this Opportunity, and
have only time allow’d to write a few Lines.
In my last of the 26th. past I mentioned that the Negociation
for Peace had been obstructed by the Want of due Form in the
English Commissions appointing their Plenipotentiaries. In that
for treating with us, the Mentioning our States by their public
Name had been avoided, which we objecting to, another is come of
which I send a Copy inclosed. We have now made several preliminary
Propositions which the English Minister, Mr. Oswald has approved
and sent to his Court. He thinks they will be approved there; but
I have some Doubts. In a few Days however the answer expected will
determine. By the first of these articles the King of Great
Britain renounces for himself and Successors all Claim and
Pretension to Dominion or Territory within the thirteen United
States; and the Boundaries are described as in our Instructions;
except that the Line between Nova Scotia and New England is to be
settled by Commissioners after the Peace. By another article the
Fishery in the American Seas is to be freely exercised by the
Americans wherever they might formerly exercise it while united
with Great Britain. By another, the Citizens and Subjects of each
Nation are to enjoy the same Protection and Privileges in each
others Ports and Countries, respecting Commerce, Duties etc. that
are enjoy’d by native Subjects. The Articles are drawn up very
fully by Mr. Jay; who I Suppose sends you a Copy. If not it will
go by the next Opportunity. If these Articles are agreed to, I
apprehend little Difficulty in the rest. Something has been
mention’d about the Refugees and English Debts; but not insisted
on, as we declar’d at once that whatever Confiscations had been
made in America, being in Virtue of the Laws of particular States,
the Congress had no Authority to repeal those Laws, and therefore
could give us none to stipulate for such Repeal.
I have been honour’d with the Receipt of your Letters No. 14 and
15. I have also received two Letters from Mr. L R. Morris both
dated the 6th. of July and one dated the 10th. of August inclosing
Bills for
being intended for the Payment of Ministers Salaries for the two
first Quarters of this year. But as these Bills came so late that
all those Salaries were already paid, I shall make no use of the
Bills, but lay them by till farther Orders. And the Salaries of
different Ministers not having all the same Times of falling due,
as they had different Commencements, I purpose to get all their
Accounts settled and reduced to the same Period, and send you the
state of them, that you may be clear in future Orders. I see in
one of the Estimates sent me that a Quarter’s Salary of a Minister
is reckoned at 14,583 Livres; in the other it is reckon’d 16,667
livres. And the Bill for 9756 Livres is mentioned, as intended to
pay a Ballance due on the Remittance of the 68,290. Livres. Being
unacquainted with the State of your Exchanges I do not well
comprehend this, and therefore leave the whole for the present as
I have said above. Permit me only to hint for your Consideration,
whether it may not be well hereafter to omit Mention of Sterling
in our Appointments, since we have severed from the Country to
which that Denomination of Money is peculiar; and also to order
the Payment of your Ministers in such a Manner that they may know
exactly what they are to receive, and not be subject to the
Fluctuations of Exchange. If it is that which occasions the
Difference between 14,583 for the first Quarter, and 16,667 for
the second, it is considerable. I think we have no right to any
Advantage by the Exchange, nor should we be liable to any Loss
from it. Hitherto we have taken 15,000 Livres for a Quarter
(subject however to the allowance or Disallowance of Congress)
which is lower than the Medium between those two Extreams.
The different Accounts given of Lord Shelburne’s Character with
respect to Sincerity, induced the Ministry here to send over M. de
Rayneval, Secretary of the Council, to converse with him, and
endeavour to form by that means a more perfect Judgment of what
was to be expected from the Negociation. He was five or Six Days
in England, saw all the Ministers, and return’d quite satisfy’d
that they are sincerely desirous of Peace; so that the
Negociations now go on, with some Prospect of Success. But the
Court and People of England are very changeable. A little Turn of
Fortune in their Favour sometimes turns their Heads; and I shall
not think a speedy Peace to be depended on till I see the Treaties
I am obliged to finish. With great Esteem I have the honour to
be, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant