I have received your Orders of the 18th. and have written to Nantes for particular information respecting the Anchorage off Noirmontier that I may take measures accordingly.— I am very glad that Doctor Bancroft who has been an Eye and Ear witness to the Situation of Affairs onboard the Alliance can explain to you every Circumstance. In the meantime I shall do my utmost either to go or send for the Bales of Cloth.— The Cannon are all on board; and you may depend on my best endeavours to fulfil your final Directions.
I beg leave in particular to refer you to Doctor Bancroft for a representation of some Circumstances that respect myself you will I am persuaded soon see the necessity that Obliged me to take the Steps I did in Holland—and I am afraid you will find the Busy Body C less worthy than you had formerly imagined.—
With the most sincere and affectionate Esteem and respect I am Dear Sir, Your most Obliged and most Obedt. Servt.