I have been so much taken up with Business since the rect. of your Letter, inclosing me an Introduction to Mrs. Hesse, that I have hitherto delay’d answering it. I have not however been deficient in complying with your request relative to that amiable and accomplish’d Lady: She has form’d with Mr. Brillon not merely an Acquaintance, but really a Friendship; and it is impossible for any one to be more universally liked, than she has made herself here by her Person and pleasing Manners. We all exceedingly Regret, that her stay among us has been so short and we are perpetually talking of going all together to England to make her Visit. I really should not be surprised if Mr. Brillon and Family should carry this Project into execution in the Fall. As to my Grandfather and myself, I hardly know what will become of us; He has no Answer from Congress to his repeated Applications to Retire, and so continues here, tho’ with much Reluctance. I wish ardently to be able to visit England before we Return, were it only for eight Days, to see you and my other Friends, and embrace my Father. He cannot regret more than I do our long Separation, and the interruption in our Correspondence;—he knows the Character of some of our Rulers, and cannot but approve of my discretion.
Our Negotiations do not go on so well as when Mr. Q. and you were here. We have lost by the change a worthy Friend, and your Country, an able upright Minister.
Adieu my dear Sir,—I write in haste in hopes of being in time to request Mrs. Hesse to take charge of my Letter.—My Grandfather and Mr. and Mrs. Jay present you their affectionate Compts. as likewise to Mr. Oswald, to whom please to remember me in the most affectionate Manner,—and believe me, as ever, Sincerely yours