Our late Honourable Proprietor, having from the first Settlement of this Province, made it his principal Care, to cultivate and maintain a good Understanding with all the Indians, to the Preservation of which, nothing hath contributed more than the Practice which he set on Foot, and hath since been continued, of purchasing their Claims to Lands, before he would suffer them to be taken up by his Authority: and Col. Dongan one of the Governors of New-York having about Fifty Years since, purchased for our late Proprietor, from the Indians of the Six (then the Five) Nations, all the Lands lying upon Susquehannah; We are told that the Chiefs of these Nations, now here, who are about Twenty in Number, have confirmed that Purchase made by Col. Dongan, and have absolutely released to Our present Honourable Proprietors all the Lands from about the Mouth of Susquehannah as high up that River as those called by the Indians the Twhagasachata or Endless Mountains, with all the Lands on both Sides the said River, and its Streams as far Westward as the Setting of the Sun.