The Best Information I can Give of the Land I want Your Assistance in purchasing is that one Byerley of London Somtime about the Year 1713 or 14 took up a Large Tract of Land in New Jersey on Delaware and Musonecunk Rivers in partnership with One Barker of London a Brother in Law of his. And that many Year’s Afterwards the said Byerley was in America and Dyed here I believe Insolvent however a writ of partition was Ishued by John Kinsey and Division made in the Tracts (as it was in 2 or 3 parcels). And Mr. Byerleys part Sold at publick Sale to Messrs. Allen and Turner for £3600 Currency which is about £2000 Sterling which Sum I am willing to Give for the Other half altho, it is Much Injured by being all Settled, and Cut to pieces and Thousands of Cords of wood Sold off of it, besides the Greatest part of the best Land is very Much wore by Constant Tillage. I am also willing to pay your friend Satisfactorily for his Trouble and if he Succeeds will Give 60 Guineas as a present. I am Sir Yours