To William Vaughan (unpublished)
Philada. Dec. 9. 1788
Dear Sir

I received your kind Letter of Oct. 5. I am glad the little Papers I sent you were not unacceptable. Having done with public Business, I am now employing myself in a Work your good Brother Benjamin once strongly recommended to me, which is writing the History of my own Life. This will contain a Number of Precepts of the kind you desire, and all exemplified by the Effects of their Practice in my own Affairs. Please to inform Benja. of this, and that I have got as far as my fiftieth Year.

I thank you for the Trouble you took in the Enquiry of Mr John Wright. I have written to him sometime since that the Types are come to hand, &c.

A Friend of mine designing a Present to her Son, a young Student, of the best English Encyclopedia, has desired me to procure it for her. Since I left England several different Works have appear’d under that Title, and I know not their Characters or Merits. I think I have seen mentioned in the Advertisements one or two from Scotland. Will you be so good as to inform your self, if you do not know already, which is the best and latest, and send it to me by one of the first Spring Ships. Inclos’d is an Order on a Banking House for Payment. On looking at it, I see it was intended by the Lady that your Brother should be troubled with this Order. But tis the same thing; you can have his Opinion.

Our public Affairs are getting fast into Order, and we hope that in a Year or two more they may be perfectly settled. The bad Habits introduc’d by the War are also wearing out, and sober Industry and Frugality are taking Place of Idleness, and Dissipation. It is pleasant to see the World growing better and happier, tho’ one is about to quit it. Next Month, if I live to the middle of it, will finish my 83d Year. I have a good deal recover’d from my last Summer’s Illness, and am at present, Thanks to God, pretty hearty, as well as all my Family, who join in rejoicing that your good Mother, and your Sisters, those amiable Girls, have also recover’d their usual Health. God bless and preserve you all, prays Your affectionate Friend and humble Servant,

B. Franklin

Addressed: Mr William Vaughan / Mercht / London
Endorsed: Philadelphia Decr 9. 1788 Dr. Franklin Recd Jan 28 1789 Ansd. Feb 27 1789
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