Most humbly sheweth.
That great Obstructions to your Majesty’s Service, and Mischiefs to the said Province, have during the two last Wars been occasion’d by a continual Disagreement between the Proprietaries of the Province, who are Governors of the same, and the Assemblies annually chosen by the People.
That the like Disagreements between the Proprietaries and People in all the other Colonies of America settled under Proprietary Governments and like Mischiefs attending those Disagreements, have in most of the said Colonies occasioned a Surrender of the Powers of Government, or a Resumption of the same by your Majesty’s Predecessors, only two Proprietary Governments now remaining in America.
That your Petitioners humbly conceive such mischievous Disagreements to proceed from the very Nature of Proprietary Governments; the Multitude of Disputes arising between the Proprietaries and private Persons concerning Matters of Property, naturally occasioning mutual Opinions of Injustice, and thence in the Proprietaries a Dislike of the People; and in the People Want of Respect to the Proprietary Government; while the Proprietaries Power as Governors of appointing Judges during their Pleasure to judge in their own as well as all other Causes subjects them to Suspicion, and their making Use of their Powers of Government, especially in Times of Publick Distress, to enforce Claims of private Interest, renders their Government Odious.
The Petitioners therefore, desirous of enjoying the Privileges granted them by your Majesty’s Royal Predecessors, freed from the Inconveniencies which they conceive incident to Proprietary Governments, and which they have long laboured under; and earnestly wishing to partake of that Happiness and Security which they see all those Colonies around them enjoy, who are under your Majesty’s immediate Government, do humbly pray, that your Majesty would be graciously pleased to take the Government of this Province likewise into your own Royal Hands, making the Proprietaries such equitable Compensation for the same, as to your Majesty’s Wisdom and Goodness shall seem meet.
And your Petitioners, as in Duty bound, shall ever pray, &c.