We have received your Letter of the 18th inst. by Gen. Bull with the important Intelligence of the Steps taken by some restless Men to raise fresh Disturbance among the Settlers at Wyoming after the good Disposition you had so lately left those People in when you had been among them, taking their Recognizance and Oath of Allegiance. We still hope that the Pains you took in that serviceable Journey, will not be lost, but continue to have a good Effect in disappointing the Projects of those who aim at continuing a Discord that no imprudent use will be made of the Letter you communicated. It is to be regretted that when Measures were in Meditation by the Government to accomodate the Difference, fresh Occasion of Tumult should be afforded by the Sheriff’s going up to serve Writs of Ejectment there, which might possibly by those Measures have been rendered unnecessary. With great Esteem, I am Sir, &c.,