Your Several Letters and papers respecting our accademy have come safe to hand, by Mr. Jones, as many of the trustees as were in town, have been together on that ocation:—we have a high sense of our obligation to Dr. Franklin, not only for his generous donation to our academy, but for his recommendation of a Tuter, in which we have the highest confidence:—but we feel particularly flatered, in that we have a view of the patronage of so Great and so good a man, under which our Infant Institution may Safely rest, and hope to prosper.
we have however called a full meeting of the Trustees on Tuesday next on this subject, and will forward the result to you with out Loss of time, and in the Meantime, seem all to wish, that Mr. Sherman would not leave the City, untill you hear from us as a body.
we have our eye on some accidental donations, as you will learn Mr. Bradford—and also on a small annal, or quaterly fund, which we expect to rais out of the Bench fines in this county—on concideration of all which, aded to our former prospects, we will be able to assure a Teacher of Something tolerable in the beginning, perhaps to £100 or more, with a more flatering prospect in futur, and there is no doubt, a man coming to us with such recommendations will command our utmost exertions. I have the Honr. to be Sir your very Hume. Servt.