In the adjustment of the Accounts of the late Secret and Commercial Committees of Congress, we find it necessary to have the Accounts and Vouchers relative to the Claims of Mr. John Ross against the United States on the first July 1779. These Papers are stated by your Certificate of the 8th. August 1779 as Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of France to have been exhibited for examination and Adjustment to Messs. Samuel Wharton, and Edward Bancroft; who appear to have undertaken this Business at your request, and who Certify a Balance to be due from the United States to Mr. John Ross of Eighteen thousand and seventy seven Pounds eight shillings and two pence Sterling.
It appears from a Report of the late Board of Treasury of the 13th. January 1781, on an application of Mr. John Ross for the Payment of the Balance so Certified, that you was at that time in possession of the Accounts and Vouchers, on which it was founded and as we do not find that you have ever transmitted them to the Treasury, we have to request that you will deliver them to Mr. Howell, who will have that Honor to deliver this Letter to you in person. We have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Obedient and very Humble Servants.