We have considered the Reasons the Governor has
been pleased to give, in his Message of the Sixth Instant, for
exempting the Proprietaries Estate in the proposed Tax: And as they
do not appear to us sufficient, we beg Leave to offer him our
Sentiments thereon in the following Remarks.
The Governor finds in his Commission a Proviso.
“That nothing therein contained shall impower him to consent to any
Act whereby the Estate of the Proprietaries may be hurt or
encumbered;” and this he looks upon as the highest Prohibition to
him from passing the Bill proposed. But the Intention of the Bill,
may it please the Governor, is not to hurt or
encumber, but to free from Encumbrance the Estate of
the Proprietaries, which cannot, in our Opinion, have a worse
Encumbrance, than the Neighbourhood of so mischievous an Enemy,
who, as we have frequently been informed by the Governor, have
taken actual Possession of some Part, and lay Claim to a much
greater Part of their Country. The Estates of the People are all on
this Side the Mountains; they are as yet neither invaded nor
claimed by the French. As Representatives of the People we think it
as much our bounden Duty to do nothing that may hurt or
encumber the Estates of our Constituents, as the Governor
can possibly think it his Duty with regard to the Proprietary
Estate; yet we never conceived that giving a Part to save the
Whole, and not only to save it, but to render it of double or
treble Value (which must be the Case with the Proprietary Lands)
could properly be called hurting or encumbering an
Estate. And if the Governor really thought that taxing the Estates
of the People on this Occasion would be a Hurt to them, and not a
Benefit, we imagine he ought, in Duty, to refuse his Assent to that
Part of the Bill as well as the other, and for the very same
Reason. We for our Parts think differently, and therefore lay the
Tax as chearfully on our own Estates as on those of our
Constituents. We know their Loyalty to their King and Love to their
Country is equal to ours; we do not in the least doubt their
Approbation of our Conduct; and we would willingly hope the
Governor might, on such an Occasion, as reasonably expect the same
Approbation from the Proprietaries.
For there is, may it please the Governor, in
the same Proviso of the Proprietary Commission, an absolute
Prohibition to the Governor, “to sett, lett, lease out, grant,
demise or dispose of any Lands, Tenements, &c. or to
intermeddle or concern himself therewith, or with any Part of the
Property thereof;” yet he is pleased to say, “he knows the Love and
Affection of the Proprietaries for their Country to be such, that
if they were on the Spot, they would do any Thing in their Power
for its Preservation and Safety; and therefore he, on their Behalf,
proposes to give Lands West of the Allegheny Mountains without any
Purchase Money, and free from the Payment of Quitrents for Fifteen
Years to come.” It cannot but seem strange to us, that a Tax on
Part of an Estate for two Years should be thought to hurt it, more
than giving Six or Seven Hundred Thousand Acres of it away; or that
the Governor, notwithstanding so express a Prohibition, should
think himself more at Liberty in this Case than in the other. If
the Proprietaries will approve in the latter Case, why not in the
former? And if the Grant of Lands, contrary to such Prohibition,
would be valid, why not the Passing of the Bill for a Tax? These
are Questions that we cannot solve, without a more particular
Consideration of the proposed Grant of Lands West of the Allegheny
Mountains, than we should have thought necessary, if it had not
been repeatedly mentioned to us by the Governor, apparently with a
View to make the Taxing of the Proprietary Estate on this Occasion
appear less reasonable. We are sorry therefore that we are obliged
to observe, that the Proposal is made in such Terms as that it may
be fully complied with, and yet nothing in Reality be granted.
First, because Lands West of the Allegheny Mountains differ greatly
in their Quality, and though some are exceeding good, there are
many Hundred Thousand Acres that are not worth accepting; and
good Land is not so much as mentioned in the Proposal.
Secondly, because the best Lands there, are not better than Lands
of Virginia in the same Neighbourhood, which may be had without
Purchase Money, at Two Shillings Sterling Quitrent, and none to be
paid for Fifteen Years. But the common Quitrent in this Province is
Four Shillings and Two-pence Sterling. And therefore an Offer even
of the best Lands in those Parts on that Quitrent would be neither
more nor less than this, That for the Encouragement of such as
shall, with the Hazard of their Lives, recover the Proprietaries
Country from the Enemy, he will graciously sell them a Part of the
Lands so recovered, at twice the Price demanded by his Neighbour.
An Offer on the Proprietary’s Behalf, that may indeed be safely
made, notwithstanding his Prohibition, and without the least Danger
of offending him. If the Proprietary, to encourage the Settlement
of the Western Frontier of his Province, and to form a Barrier for
the rest, will, bona Fide, grant good Lands on
reasonable Terms; we doubt not but the Assembly will give other
equivalent Encouragements to the Settlers, in Provisions,
Carriages, Utensils of Husbandry, Cattle, and the like; but the
Governor’s Power to make such Grants in their Behalf, at present
not appearing to us, we must leave that Matter to future
We are however clear, that the Governor has
full Power to pass the Bill in Question, any Prohibition,
were it ever so express from the Proprietaries, notwithstanding.
First, because no Prohibition of the Proprietaries can lessen or
take away from the Lieutenant-Governor any Power such Lieutenant is
vested with by the Royal Charter. Secondly, For that in the Royal
Charter, Section IV. the King, for himself, his Heirs and
Successors, hath “granted free, full, and absolute Power,” (not
only to the Proprietary and his Heirs, but) “to his and their
Deputies and Lieutenants, for the good and happy
Government of the said Country, to ordain, make and
enact, and under his and their Seals to publish, any Laws
whatsoever, for the Raising of Money for publick Uses,
or for any End appertaining unto the publick State, Peace or
Safety of the said Country, according unto their best
Discretion, by and with the Advice, Assent and Approbation of
the Freemen of the said Country, their Delegates or Deputies.” And
thirdly, because any Prohibition from the Proprietaries,
restraining the Legislative Powers granted by the Royal Charter, is
so far from being able to render void a Law made notwithstanding
such Prohibition, that the Prohibition is in itself void, and a
meer Nullity. This is not only consistent with plain Reason, but
has been solemnly considered and determined in the former
Proprietary’s own Council; his Son and Heir, his faithful
Secretary, the learned Judge Mompesson, and several others,
distinguished for their Abilities, being both present and
concurring, as will, we suppose, appear on their Minutes, of which
we beg Leave to give the following Extract.
The Clause in Colonel Evans’s Commission, viz.
“Saving always to me and my Heirs, our final Assent to all such
Bills as thou shalt pass into Laws in the said Government,”
“In Answer to a Message from the Assembly,
requesting the Council to give their Opinion in Writing under their
Hands, concerning the Saving or Exception in the Proprietary
William Penn’s
Commission to the present Lieutenant-Governor, to wit, whether the
said Saving is void in itself. And whether those Bills which the
present Lieutenant-Governor shall think fit to pass into Laws, and
cause the said Proprietary’s Great Seal to be affixed thereunto,
can afterwards be vacated or annulled by the said Proprietary,
without Assent of the Assembly of this Province?
“We of the Council, whose Names are hereunto
subscribed, are of Opinion, that the said Saving is void
in itself; and that those Bills which the present
Lieutenant-Governor shall think fit to pass into Laws, and cause
the said Proprietary’s Great Seal to be affixed thereunto,
cannot afterwards be vacated or annulled by the Proprietary,
without Assent of the Assembly of this Province.”
Having thus, we hope, effectually removed the Governor’s
greatest Objection to the Passing of our Bill, we may be shorter in
our Observations on the four other Reasons he is pleased to give
To the first we shall only say, That we do not
propose to tax the Proprietary as Governor, but as a Fellow
Subject, a Landholder and Possessor of an Estate in Pennsylvania;
an Estate that will be more benefited by a proper Application of
the Tax, than any other Estate in the Province. The Proprietary,
may it please the Governor, does not govern us. The Province
supports a Lieutenant to do that Duty for him, by a large Revenue
arising from Licences, and other Fees and Perquisites. But if the
Proprietary actually governed us, and had a Support allowed him on
that Account, we should not therefore think it less reasonable to
tax him as a Landholder, for the Security of that Land. The
Representatives of the People have also some Support as a Part of
the Government, by the Wages they are allowed for their Service in
Assembly; would the Governor think this a good Reason, that as
Owners of Estates they should be exempt from Taxes? Can the
Proprietary, as Governor, have, from the Nature of his Office, more
of this pretended Right of Exemption from Taxes than the King
himself? Are not the Tenants of the King’s Lands (who by every Land
Tax Act of Parliament are to pay the Poundage) impowered to deduct
the same out of their Rent? And are not the Receivers of his
Majesty’s Rents obliged, under severe Penalties, to allow to such
Deduction? But this is not the first Instance by many, in which
Proprietors and Governors of petty Colonies have assumed to
themselves greater Powers, Privileges, Immunities, and
Prerogatives, than were ever claimed by their Royal Master on the
Imperial Throne of all his extensive Dominions.
On the second it may be sufficient to observe,
that the positive Law of this Province, hinted at by the Governor
as exempting the Proprietaries Estates from Taxes, is no other than
the Law for raising County Rates and Levies, which are in the same
Act appropriated to Purposes for which the Proprietaries could not
reasonably be charged; such as the Payment of Assemblymens Wages,
and of the Rewards for killing of Wolves, Crows, Foxes, with other
Matters more immediately for the Peoples Benefit; it is not, as the
Governor would insinuate, a general constitutional Law of the
Province, made to enforce a natural Right, but is confined to
County Affairs, and has no Relation to Provincial Taxes, especially
to such as are intended for the Benefit and Advantage of the
Proprietary Estate more than of any other Estate in the Province;
which will be evident to the Governor, on his perusing it with the
smallest Degree of Attention. ’Tis true it is, as the Governor
calls it, a positive Law, so far as it extends; but to apply
it to the present Case, seems inconsistent with both Equity and
Reason. We have likewise a positive Law, that the Peoples
Representatives shall dispose of the Peoples Money, and this seems
to us consistent generally with Reason and natural Right; but does
the Governor think that, because it is a positive Law, it ought to
be extended to all Cases in Government? If so, we humbly conceive
he would have proposed some other Amendments to the Bill, and
different from those he has thought fit to send us: For we,
considering the Intention of the Grant, have allowed him a Share in
the Disposition of the Fifty Thousand Pounds; and he proposes, by
his last Amendment, to have a Share likewise in the Disposition of
the Overplus, if any.
On the third Reason, we would only beg Leave to
ask, Whether, supposing the Proprietary Estate to be taxed, it
would be equitable that he should have a Negative in the Choice of
the Assessors; since that would give him Half the Choice, tho’ he
were to pay perhaps not a Hundredth Part of the Tax? In our
Estimation, and we think we are not mistaken, he may have Friends,
Officers and other Dependents enow in every County, to vote as much
in his Behalf, or more, than his Share of the Tax can possibly
amount to. But if the Proprietary shrinks at the Injustice of being
taxed, where he has no Choice in the Assessors, with what Face of
Justice can he desire and insist on having Half the Power of
disposing of the Money levied, to which he would contribute not a
single Farthing? By the Words the Governor chuses to express the
Power of the Assessors, viz. “Taxing the Proprietaries Estate
at Discretion,” one would think their Power
unlimited, and the Proprietary left at their Mercy; but in the
Valuation of Estates, they are confined by the Bill within certain
moderate Bounds, are enjoined, and sworn or solemnly affirmed “to
assess themselves, and all others, equally and impartially, and to
spare no Person for Favour or Affection, nor grieve any for Hatred
or Ill-will;” which we think gives the Proprietary as good Security
for Equity and Justice as any Subject in the King’s Dominions.
As to the Governor’s fourth Reason, deduced
from the Usage in this and the other Proprietary Governments, we
think Usage and Custom, against Reason and Justice, ought to have
but little Weight. But though it may have been the Usage in this
Government, and perhaps in others, to exempt the Proprietary Estate
from Taxes in Cases where their Estates could not by the
Application of such Taxes be any way benefited, that Usage can, as
we conceive, have no Relation to the present Case, which, as we
have shewn, is of a widely different Nature. Nor, if the Governor’s
Rule from Usage could be allowed, viz. That the Lands or
Estates of Proprietaries, exercising Government by
themselves or their Lieutenants, ought to be exempt from
Taxes, would it operate in Favour of the Estates of
Proprietaries who not only do not exercise Government by
themselves, but would restrain their Lieutenants in the Exercise of
the just Powers they are vested with by the Royal Charter.
On the Whole, we beg the Governor would again
calmly and seriously consider our Bill, to which End we once more
send it up to him. We know that without his Assent the Money cannot
be raised, nor the good Ends so earnestly desired and expected from
it be obtained, and we fear his Resolution to refuse it. But we
entreat him to reflect with what Reluctance a People born and bred
in Freedom, and accustomed to equitable Laws, must undergo the
Weight of this uncommon Tax, and even expose their Persons for the
Defence of his Estate, who by Virtue of his Power only, and
without even a Colour of Right, should refuse to bear the least
Share of the Burthen, though to receive so great a Benefit! With
what Spirit can they exert themselves in his Cause, who will not
pay the smallest Part of their grievous Expences? How odious must
it be to a sensible manly People, to find him who ought to
be their Father and Protector, taking Advantage of Publick Calamity
and Distress, and their Tenderness for their bleeding Country, to
force down their Throats Laws of Imposition, abhorrent to common
Justice and common Reason! Why will the Governor make himself the
hateful Instrument of reducing a free People to the abject State of
Vassalage; of depriving us of those Liberties, which have given
Reputation to our Country throughout the World, and drawn
Inhabitants from the remotest Parts of Europe to enjoy them?
Liberties not only granted us of Favour, but of Right; Liberties
which in Effect we have bought and paid for, since we have not only
performed the Conditions on which they were granted, but have
actually given higher Prices for our Lands on their Account; so
that the Proprietary Family have been doubly paid for them, in the
Value of the Lands, and in the Increase of Rents with Increase of
People: Let not our Affections be torn in this Manner from a Family
we have long loved and honoured! Let that novel Doctrine, hatched
by their mistaken Friends, that Privileges granted to promote the
Settlement of a Country, are to be abridged when the Settlement is
obtained, iniquitous as it is, be detested as it deserves, and
banished from all our publick Councils; and let the Harmony, so
essential to the Welfare of both Governors and Governed, be once
again restored; since it can never be more necessary to our Affairs
than in their present melancholy Situation. We hope the Governor
will excuse some Appearance of Warmth, in a Cause of all others in
the World the most interesting, and believe us to be, with all
possible Respect and Duty to the Proprietary Family and to himself,
his and their sincere Friends and Well-wishers.