Jonathan Williams, Jr. to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Nantes July 27. 1780.—
my dear Billy—

I thank you for your Favour of the 22 Inst. January I had not time to compleat the Doctors Accounts before I came away, but I hope you will have been able to compleat them according to the Plan I laid down, if however you can find a private Opportunity of sending them to me when you have examined them & made them up to Octbr 1779. I will have them all recopied under my own Direction & return them to you in Compleat Order, with a note of what Remarks may occur & such Directions for future Government as may appear to me necessary.—

Polano’s Junctionis a happy Circumstance, I wish I had as good news from our Country.—A Vessel from New London which sailed the 28 June is chased ashore on the Isle de Rhé (near Rochelle) no news of Mr de Tomay—the Hermione after landing the Marquis de la Fayette & refitting went on a Cruize & off New York she met an English Frigate of equal Force which she engaged, to no other Effect than giving & receiving great Damage, it appears that each was brave & each considerably mauled. M. de la Touche the Commander is wounded but not dangerously & the Frigate is returned to Rhode Island to repair. I have yet received no Letters from Rochelle but I do not doubt I shall have some by the next Post.—There is a foolish Story spread about since the Arrival of this Vessel, some say that Washington can’t keep his army together so much has the Capture of Charlestown affected them, & thus that two or three States have laid down their arms & petitioned Clintons Protection. This is nonsense in the Extreme & I only mention it to prepare you for what I suppose will be the Palais Royal Fabrication.

Les Etats d’Artois a Frigate of 44 Guns is taken by the Romney Governor Johnston & Carried into Lisbon.—My Uncle sailed under Convoy of this Frigate & has probably been more lucky than she has as I hear nothing of him.

I am my dear Billy Yours affectionately

Jona Williams

ps I have sent a Cask of Vidonia Wine to the Menagarie [to the] Doctors address it will arrive about the 5 of next month, when please to reclaim it.—It is part of the pipe the Doctor was to have & to spare Part for Bancroft.—


Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin fils / chez Mr Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats / unis de L Amerique / a Passy / prés Paris
Notation: M. Williams Nantes 27 July 1780.
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