I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 9th Instant, respecting an Advance made to Mr. Bingham Agent of the United States at Martinique, amounting to £200, 216. 5s. for which he is held accountable. Mr. Bingham resided at Paris during the Winter, with his Family; but is now gone to London, and I know not his Address there. Before his Departure he obtain’d some Letters of Introduction to the Minister of France at that Court, who probably therefore is acquainted with his Residence; and I submit it to your Consideration, whether it may not be well to charge that Minister with the Demand, as I am about to depart for America, and shall probably have no Opportunity of seeing Mr. Bingham for which reason I return the Letter. With great Respect; I am, Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant,