Since my last on the 22 Ultimo I have rec’d your favor of the 31 March, inclosed I send you a Copy of the Memorial I had delivered to the Lords of the Admiralty prior to the reception of your Letter & also of the note I have rec’d from Ld shelburne relative to this Business— you may conclude it done, as soon as the official Forms can be got thro’, to the tediousness & delatoriness of which, you are no Stranger— I coud wish to Know, as some Objections have been made, to the whole expence of Transports & Provisions being born by this Country whether you will give way, to any accommodation in that matter I mean as to America bearing any share of the expence, for I cou’d wish so fully to possess your Sentiments, as Not to make the least mistake in the arrangement— I presume you will make no Objection to Administration asking for any particular Class, or Corps of Men, I have allready said that I had no conception any Difficulty cou’d arise on that head, you will please to consider whether it will not be necessary to send regular passes for the Vessells that shall be employed in the Transport of the Prisoners & whether it may not be necessary to give some directions respecting the Victualling the Ships in America for the homeward Voyage shou’d Administration determine on having the Men delivered in Exchange, returned to Europe for by the Conversation, I have had with them tis not yet settled whether they will have them home or have them left at New York— I desire you will turn the whole of this Subject in your Mind & give me every necessary instruction & Information so that I may settle the matter to your Satisfaction— Respecting the Prisoners in Ireland, I have allready spoke to the Marquiss of Rockingham & Ld Shelburne about them & they took a Minute to give the Duke of Portland [in the margin: who is going Ld Lt of Ireland] directions to pay attention to the Situation of those Men & to grant them Relief— In regard to any allowance you may judge proper to make them I can with great ease & equal Pleasure settle that matter by means of Funds in Kinsale at which place the Men you mention are, their No about 150 as I have been informed from the Sick & Hurt office— I beg you will answer me as soon as you conveniently can, for the Prisoners will begin to be very Impatient, as they are allready apprised of the Intentions of Goverment & I heartily wish to see them once fairly shipped off I am with great Respect Dr sr yr most obedt sert