From Thomas Digges
als: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
17 Mar 1780
Dr. Sir
This will be handed you by a Capn. Jno Snelling a native of
Boston tho for many years past He has been employd in the
Streights Trade to & from London. He is well recommended to
Me as an honest Amn. meaning to push out to his Home thro
France, & as he wishes to take yr. advice about proceeding to
Nantes &ca. I have given him a seperate introductory line to
you.— He knows nothing of former plans. Since Capt Cr
left me, I have wrote you a few lines by post the 7th & 10th Ints.
and am in dayly expectations of Capt Crs return; His Employer
Mr. Mll is gone to Ireland & has done nothing. As
far as I have recommended the granting some late favors from
You, I have not the least doubt the transactions are bona fide intended
for the purposes mentiond—ie getting home property. I
dont mean by saying this, that some of the partys did not carry
more than they had property to purchase. In the two instances
wch. I lately recommend they were various persons (every one
natives & Citizens of Aa) concernd. I would not on any accot
be aiding to any other set of Men to obtain similar advantages
for illicit trade. I never had, nor ever shall have, (without I
am reducd to such necessity for getting out myself) the least concern
directly or indirectly in these adventures, but meerly recommended
them to benefit some deserving Ans who could
not easily get out other ways, & from thinking such measures
rather beneficial than other ways to my Country. They were
people whom I had proofs were honest, & having a few hundreds
of their own got credit for a few hundds more, & so pushd
out four or five in a Ship. Mr. Lth of Bale. was an exception
to this he came purposely to Europe to recover a debt of upwds.
of 3,000£ due his Father— He got it & carryd out double that
sum from having an extensive Credit. You know the circumstances
of the last recommendations; If it succeeds there will go
two or three honest men out with Capt. Cr, & these will be
all that I know any thing of, for I beleive there will be then left
here none others who deserve such oppertunitys.
I hope the box of books forwarded abot a fortnight ago has got
safe. They were seemingly well packd & forwarded to order. An
acquaintance Snor Malln took that oppertunity of forwarding
to you a brown paper parcel wch. also containd books.
If you have not already done it please to ansr. my letter of the
7th Int. on the subject of the Bills of Exa. as I want to know
whether or not they are good before I forward them on. A line
by Common post to Mr Wm. S. Ch (as you once before directed
or if under cover to Mr. Hgsn) will oblige me.
Their tenor & dates are as follow
| No. 25—23d Feb '79 | a first bill to Jona Warner Esqr. 30 |
| Dollars Countersignd Nichs. Gilman |
| No 26—do— | Do— to Do.— 30 D— |
| No 27—do— | second bill to Do— 30— Do |
| No 166 15 Feby. 79 | second bill to Do.—24 Counterd Natl |
| No.173.23d Febr 79— | first bill to Petr. Boilston Adams 24 |
I wish to know if these bills are good or not as they are left with
me by a poor man for that purpose.
Nothing new since the Cartel saild the 5 relative to the Prisoners
there are 86 left at Plyo. 68 of whom have pardons ready
agt. the return of the Ship to that place & by that time the pardons
for the 18 others (among whom Capt My is one) will
be forwarded down.
I have nothing yet decided abot. the medal for the Duke de
Croy my friends Mr. Jones is on a circuit & Mr Paradise is sick
& has no ansr. since the affair was stated to Mr Banks.
Those Gent. who came over on Parole in the two last Cartels
seem quite easy under their breach of that parole, & seemingly
now give themselves not the least trouble about procuring or
abiding by the terms of their agreement. It is singular with what
ease & facility an Englishman can break his parole to Americans,
& how lavish they are of the words scoundrells & villains, when
there is the least appearance (wch I beleive there never has been)
of Americans doing the like by them. Surely those lately returnd
parole Prisors., 139 in numr., should be in some measure calld
upon to abide By their parole Agreement, wch was a written one
& cannot be misunderstood; I think the mode of requiring by
publick advertisement, the People so releasd, to render themselves
to you accordingly, would not be an improper one. The
two Capns of the Packets (the Kings Officers) and the Mr. Barry
a Secy to Govr. Dalling are long since returnd to their occupations
the latter gone to Jama. & the two Capns. got other packets
for that station. Should the Yankies once more take them, I
think their chance would be but a shabby one. I am on all occasions
Yr. very Affect & obt Servt.
If you can with propriety oblige me in procuring a French Passport
for Mr. Wm. Burn of Lisbon, now on a tour in Italy, & who
wishes to see some parts of France & Paris, meerly as a Traveller;
It woud be a very singular obligation to Him & me. He does not
want to go to any Sea Ports, or where he may be suspected, but,
I beleive, meerly the common route from Turin to Paris or any
other capital Town worth visiting. The Pass to be inclosd in a letter
to Him, and put under Cover A Messrs. Messrs. Freres Aubert
Tollot & Co. Turin, where Mr. Burn will be in the course of a
fortnight or 3 weeks.
Mr. Burn is a principal in the House of Messrs. Burn & Sons
at Lisbon, & is taking that tour meerly for his pleasure. He is a
very worthy man whom I intimately know. He has done much
business with Messrs. Willing & Morris, Cunningham & Nesbin,
J Wharton, and others of the principal people in Phia &
other parts of Ama.— Is a good friend to the cause of that
Country & the only house in Lisbon whh. has, since the disputes,
openly acted in favour of Ama. In one instance, to my solicitation,
He sent some Cargoes of salt at the period it was most essentially
requisite. He will be on any other occasions servicable
to Us, and as He deserves much from me & my Country, I have
not only askd this favour of you but given him a seperate line of
introduction should he obtain his wish of being permitted as an
Englishman to visit Paris. If such pass can be got, I should be
obligd to you to forward it on as soon as is convenient by Post as
his stay in Turin will not be very Long. The House of Messrs.
Burn & Sons is a well establishd & very substancial one in Lisbon;
should you or any friend want to make use of one in that
place I know of none more fit.
Please to forward the inclosd to Capn. Hns, as it may be
very satisfactory to him to hear What has been transacted since
his departure & that his baggage is all arrivd safe at ostend.
Since writing the inclosd, Mr Paradise has been with me; He
says Mr. Banks on receiving the paragraph of yr. Letter relative
to a medal being given to the Duke de Croy, said He could not
possibly recommend the giving one to that Gentn., as it would
lead to a variety of similar requests &ca. Mr. B read to Mr.
Paradise a letter wch I am to receive in a day or two & forward
to you. He has couchd it in very handsome & liberal terms to
you, & speaks properly of the Congress, but persists in his old
opinion that a gold medal cannot be given to that body without
additional proofs, that it was by their order or Recommendation
that orders were given to the American Cruisers to shew favor
to Cap Cook &ca &ca. You will be a better judge when you receive
Mr Banks’s Letter which I hope will be in a few days, if not
by this conveyance.
Addressed: Monsieur Monsieur / B. Fn / Passy
Endorsed: March 17. 80
Notation: Mar 17. 80
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