To Samuel Wharton: Certificate (unpublished)

I do hereby certify whom it may concern, that Samuel Wharton Esqre of Philadelphia, hath during his Residence for many Years in London, comported himself as a good and faithful Citizen of the United States, and been very serviceable to their Cause, by the constant Correspondence he has kept up with their Ministers here, and the Intelligence he has communicated.

Given at Passy near Paris, this 16th Day of March 1780

B Franklin
Minister Plenipotentiary from the
United States at the Court of France.

We the Subscribers have this Day collated and compared the above Certificate with the Original, remaining in Mr. Wharton’s Possession, and we well knowing the Hand Writing of his Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqr. do certify, That the above is a just, and true Copy thereof. As Witness Our Hands in L’Orient this the 10th Day of September 1780.

Jno P Jones Tho: Hutchins

Thos. Read

Endorsed: Certificate from Dr. Franklin
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